Thursday, June 13, 2013

Pictured above is a Peterson System Standard XL 315. I purchased this in March, 2013 after discovering the Peterson brand. Most of the system pipes are beyond what I am willing to pay, but I got this for$85 because it was an estate (pre-owned) pipe. It was smoked once or twice, but cleaned it up so that it looked new.

Peterson trademarked their "system" to keep the smoke cool and dry by drilling an extra reservoir in the body of the pipe, below the stem, that would allow smoke to condense slightly. It's not a perfect system by any means, but does represent a unique approach to the problem.

 Here's a cross-section of what the interior looks like:

Other ways to keep smoke cool are pipe stem inserts like the Savinelli I wrote about or lengthening the stem like a churchwarden.

This is a nice smoking pipe. Good draw with a very capacious bowl. I will sit for 45+ minutes when using this one. Peterson is known for making durable and easy smoking pipes. Their value for money is among the best and I can see why.

I have smoked many types of tobacco in this pipe, but I plan to use it only for English blends from now on. I recently purchased another Peterson pipe that will be exclusive to Virginias. I will divulge that one soon.

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