Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Savinelli Armonia tinned blend

Savinelli Armonia...fruity, plumby and strong!

First, let me say that Savinelli makes great pipes. I have a bent billiard that smokes great even though the polish isn't holding up too well.  I have just ordered my second pipe, a bulldog which I am anxious to try.

I smoked a tin of this when I first got into the hobby in January. I forgot how cloying this mixture is.

After opening it, I felt a tinge of regret because I am now a die-hard fan of Virginias. But I do keep an English, a pure Virginia and a "random" blend in my rotation. Never more than three blends at a time to choose from to avoid sensory overload.

So...Armonia, Italian for "Harmony" is anything but.

Plum,cherry, candy coated and cavendish underneath. It's very sweet so be prepared. I can not recommend this to anyone who doesn't already like super-sweet blends. Like I said, I've moved on to Virginias and their ilk, so I'm keeping this one around as my "third". But this will be the last time I smoke this blend.

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