Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bell's Three Nuns Tobacco


Sadly, this tobacco didn't live up to the hype for me. It tasted too much of cigarette tobacco and not of the rich tanginess of Virginias that I had hoped for. It's not bad, just not exceptional. It's a little on the dry side so tongue bite is highly likely.

I've been mixing this with the Savinelli Armonia blend to pretty good effect.

I wouldn't miss it if it was taken off the US markets again.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Savinelli Armonia tinned blend

Savinelli Armonia...fruity, plumby and strong!

First, let me say that Savinelli makes great pipes. I have a bent billiard that smokes great even though the polish isn't holding up too well.  I have just ordered my second pipe, a bulldog which I am anxious to try.

I smoked a tin of this when I first got into the hobby in January. I forgot how cloying this mixture is.

After opening it, I felt a tinge of regret because I am now a die-hard fan of Virginias. But I do keep an English, a pure Virginia and a "random" blend in my rotation. Never more than three blends at a time to choose from to avoid sensory overload.

So...Armonia, Italian for "Harmony" is anything but.

Plum,cherry, candy coated and cavendish underneath. It's very sweet so be prepared. I can not recommend this to anyone who doesn't already like super-sweet blends. Like I said, I've moved on to Virginias and their ilk, so I'm keeping this one around as my "third". But this will be the last time I smoke this blend.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pipa Croci True

I just got this recently for $50 off ebay plus $8 shipping. I was hesitant about having to use 9mm filters, but boy oh boy did I change my tune quickly.

First off, this pipe is ergonomically well designed. It is easy to hold and has a generous bowl. So kudos to Pipa Croci. Pipa Croci has six grades of briar and True is their second-to-lowest. It's still a great pipe and for the price, can't be beat.

The filters need to be changed frequently. I change mine after every 3rd bowl. But they dry up the smoke nicely and, apparently, filter out some of the toxins. I think the filters are great. They cost about $20 for 100 of them, so at twenty cents each, it can add up, but it benefits the smoke so well that I think it's a good investment.